Moving from Conflict Assessment to Planning

The handbook offers conceptual frameworks for synchronizing the conflict assessment framework components (see Framework PDF): self-assessment, conflict assessment, theories of change, design, monitoring and evaluation to achieve better policy coherence and a comprehensive approach to conflict prevention and peacebuilding.

  1. Self assessmentis a process of identifying ones own cultural biases, perspectives, interests, and assumptions about a conflict, and then identifying ones own resources, capacities and networks to prioritize planning on what is possible and pragmatic. Self-assessment is an ongoing process throughout the entire cycle of assessment through evaluation. Conducting a self-assessment identifies your own cultural biases and perspectives on the conflict. The Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planninghandbook includes a set of self-assessment questions to examine the potential strengths and challenges of the group planning a peacebuilding effort. Questions include:


WHERE will you work?

WHOwill you work with?

WHY will you do what you do?

WHAT will you do?

HOWwill you shift power sources in support of peace?

WHENis the best timing for your peacebuilding efforts?


  1. Theories of Change or the “program rationale” elicits and identifies the perceived logic between the key factors driving conflict or supporting peace and what type of peacebuilding effort will build peace and prevent violence. How do people think change will come about? What are their stories, parables, metaphors and ideas? The Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planninghandbook identifies a broad range of theories of change in use by diverse stakeholders today.Ideally planners examine research related to these possible theories of change to evaluate their likely impact.


  1. Designing and Planning is a process of identifying SMART goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely. Planning includes deciding whom you will work with, what you will do, and where and when you will do it. The conflict assessment framework asks questions that directly link with the process of designing and planning peacebuilding efforts. The Conflict Assessment and Peacebuilding Planninghandbook details how to develop strategies to move from micro to macro impacts by scaling up peacebuilding efforts in a variety of ways. It outlines a planning log frame to lay out the goals, key audiences, activities, timeframes, outputs, outcomes and impacts of the peacebuilding effort.


  1. Monitoring and Evaluation(M & E) includes measuring short-term outputs and outcomes as well as long-term interrelated impacts of multiple actors, multiple programs and multi-sectors. Ideally, the indicators chosen for monitoring and evaluation link to the identified theories of change. Research methods collect data for these indicators based on expected outputs, outcomes, and impacts and levels of sustainability of the peacebuilding effort. Ultimately, a variety of peacebuilding efforts should synchronize and harmonize with each other to impact broader human security indicators.